Providing Growers
With Training and
Technical Assistance

By working closely with the growers and offering them a comprehensive suite of services, the program aims to increase their income, improve food security, and foster sustainable farming practices.

Allied Grower Program

We actively cultivate strategic alliance between the company and growers, where the company provides technology, knowledge, and expertise to the growers. We collaborate with the growers from the initial stages of the project, including site selection, land preparation, irrigation system design, planting, and crop management.

Throughout the farming process, the we provide guidance to the growers in areas such as pest and disease management, irrigation and fertilizer management, harvesting, and post-harvest handling. We also provide the growers with training and technical assistance to improve their farming skills and increase their yields.

Throughout the farming process, the we provide guidance to the growers in areas such as pest and disease management, irrigation and fertilizer management, harvesting, and post-harvest handling. We also provide the growers with training and technical assistance to improve their farming skills and increase their yields.

Once the crops are harvested, we assist the growers in the commercialization of their products. The company markets the products to local and international markets, negotiates prices, and ensures timely delivery of the produce. By working closely with the growers and offering them a comprehensive suite of services, the program aims to increase their income, improve food security, and foster sustainable farming practices.

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